Achieve faster development, fewer bugs, and frequent delivery with reliable DevOps services

Sync your development and operational capabilities to accelerate product lifecycle with our DevOps managed services. With continuous integration and delivery at the focus, we help you automate processes, strengthen app security, upgrade architecture, and more.

Transform Software Delivery, for
Good, with Townary

We offer DevOps services and solutions to help your business attain the benefits of an authentic DevOps culture. With the development and operations team working together, you can experience a high-velocity software delivery process that meets customer expectations. Additionally, there are reduced costs, increased fault tolerance, smoother releases, reduced risks, and easier maintenance.

We deliver excellence in  implementations and provide a wide array of services, including consulting, infrastructure management, and infrastructure as a code. Our DevOps experts make use of the right tools, automated processes, and architectural approaches to help you achieve continuous deployment for higher profitability.

Seasoned DevOps experts

Cross-functional agile teams

Experts in cloud infrastructure management

Top-notch cloud deployments

Consistent delivery through CI/CD approaches

Rigorous quality assurance and testing

Transparent and delivery-oriented culture

Container orchestration expertise

Our DevOps Services

Aligning business operations and development efforts is the recipe for success in the rapidly changing digital ecosystem. Choose from the range of DevOps services and get your business the much-needed tactical advantage.

DevOps consulting

We devise the best DevOps implementation strategies to help streamline your workflows, automate CI/CD pipelines, accelerate software delivery, and adhere to the highest development standards. We build you the roadmap to implement DevOps solutions that maximize business efficiency.

  • DevOps automation services Work smarter with automated workflows and processes to reduce errors, minimize cost, and free up human cognition for business-critical tasks.
  • DevOps implementation services Get actionable and efficient workflows built using DevOps approaches to bring the best out of your existing infrastructure and resources.
  • AWS DevOps services Our cloud DevOps services help you make the most of the excellent AWS ecosystem and use their services and tools to ace cloud infrastructure management for your business.

Cloud infrastructure management

Get your cloud infrastructure ready to support a fast-paced delivery model, powered by DevOps, with your management services. We help you keep downtimes at bay, manage resources efficiently, and scale seamlessly.

  • Virtual server management and maintenance We manage your virtual servers to deliver superior performance and function smoothly despite traffic fluctuations.
  • Cloud infrastructure design and consulting We consult you on everything to lay the foundation for a robust infrastructure, from cloud infrastructure design to virtualization design.
  • Enterprise modernization– Say goodbye to legacy setups and embrace the cloud infrastructure to let your apps perform at their optimum best.

CI/CD services

Keep up with evolving market trends and user requirements with DevOps practices that help you deploy and manage CI/CD pipelines. Roll out innovative solutions at a much greater speed while resolving issues at a higher cadence with our expert CI/CD services.

  • CI/CD implementation services Reap the benefits of continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines with robust implementations enabling business growth.
  • CI/CD consulting services Know how your business can set up automated integration and delivery pipelines while reducing time to marketing and cutting costs at the same time.
  • CI/CD pipeline auditing– Reach maximum efficiency with expert auditing of your CI/CD delivery pipelines and know which tools and platforms will help your cause.

Containerization services

Utilize our DevOps cloud services to roll out applications faster across platforms with expert containerization and orchestration services. We help your business improve performance, streamline software delivery, and reduce security risks.

  • Containerization strategy and consulting services Get expert Kubernetes and Docker consultation to devise the perfect cloud strategy, in line with DevOps principles, for your business.
  • Container orchestration Free up your team from the manual and mundane tasks with automated container orchestration taking care of scaling, networking, and load balancing.
  • Containerization experts for hire Get seasoned containerization experts to help deliver scalable and secure web apps across public and private cloud services for your business.

Infrastructure as code

Experience the new-age way of infrastructure management with automated provisioning of IT infrastructure with Infrastructure as code services. It allows developers to manage, operate, and maintain infrastructure with scripts, thus enhancing their productivity.

  • Tech stack consulting Get consulted on the right tools and perfect technologies to complement your modern infrastructure and stay ahead of the evolving landscape.
  • Infrastructure as code implementation services We help you with end-to-end delivery, configuration, provisioning, and deployment to achieve the ideal infrastructural state.
  • Infrastructure optimization– Prime your IT infrastructure to perform at its optimum best with our expert infrastructure optimization services.

Benefits of Working With Townary

DevOps is more than just tools, frameworks, and processes— it’s a culture. At Townary, we have DevOps ingrained in our DNAs, and therefore, you get to realize the actual benefits of DevOps with us.

Intrinsically agile

To keep up with the continuously evolving market trends and changing customer expectations, Agile-backed DevOps is the way to move forward. We are extraordinarily agile so that you can pivot strategies at will to stay ahead of the competition.

Delivery mindset

Everything we do, right from using modern tools to deploying new DevOps practices, stems from your requirements and business goals. We bring an untiring commitment towards your objectives and use it as the metric for success.

Eminent expertise

We bring you unparalleled tech acumen with 120+ successful DevOps projects and 50+ skilled DevOps consultants & engineers. Consequently, you get high-quality digital products that resonate with end-user requirements and your business objectives.

Scalable team

With successful DevOps implementations, your business will be more likely to grow, and then you’ll need a partner who can keep up with your growth. We make you success-ready with a highly flexible team that lets you expand without cutting corners.

Crystal clear communication

DevOps is all about streamlined communication between the development and operations teams— we apply the same principle while working with you. With language no bar, you are always on the same page with your extended team.

Our DevOps approach

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Comprehensive Assessment & Planning

Every development decision undergoes extensive assessment and infallible planning to ensure success. From drawing the DevOps roadmap to identifying toolchains, we put business goals and stakeholders’ interests at the forefront of every decision.

IaC for simpler infrastructure management

We deploy infrastructure as code for superior management. Automations help provision, configuring, and controlling environments, with developers defining infrastructure specs with a domain-specific language.

Continuous Integration (CI)

Keep evolving and updating the product by merging new code to the existing trunk. Even with multiple contributors, automated builds and tests facilitated continuous code merging to the existing trunk.

Continuous Deployment (CD)

Accelerate feedback loop and keep the software release-ready with every change being directly released if it has passed through all pipeline stages. It allows devs to focus on improving products without worrying about release dates.

Stronger Security

Automated tests ensure superior product quality and fewer bugs to deal with at later stages. It helps accelerate delivery as well as improve customer satisfaction.

Resource Planning

Improve profits with judicious use of available resources. We deploy flexible strategies to scale up or down as per business requirements and give stakeholders the capability to pivot at any stage.

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