Internet of Things

Townary collaborates with both startups and enterprises and help them take a leap in this new connected world. Townary delivers enterprise and consumer Internet of Things applications to support smart initiatives from the diverse industries ranging from the security to the home automation to industrial IoT that can transform business operations and change people’s lives.

Internet of Things Solutions

Enable Secure Business Assets Transactions

Vehicle-Related Solutions

  • Smart Vehicle Detection
  • Smart Parking
  • GPS Enabled Parting Space Availability

Energy Solutions

  • Smart Lighting
  • Lighting Control System for Building Management
  • Micro Grid for Building Power Management

Utility Solutions

  • Operational cost efficiency
  • Water meter management
  • Equipment Monitoring and Control

Public Safety Solutions

  • Smart Streetlights
  • Remote Security Monitoring
  • Video Surveillance

Transit Solutions

  • Intelligent Rail, Rail Safety, and Transit Solutions
  • Smart Roads and Traffic Management
  • Fleet Management and Asset Tracking

Quick Traceability For Supply & Management

Remote Asset Monitoring

Maximize performance and minimize disruption for enhanced monitoring and proactive maintenance with remote asset monitoring.

Energy Billing

Detect discrepancies between actual and billed costs, as well as different capabilities to forecast future cost and rate benchmark to see the impact of using alternative rates.


Auto notifications to act and report on irregularities in energy data such as alerts about missing data, inactivity and deviation from established targets.

Energy Monitoring

Energy monitoring solution to discuss the possibility and provide detailed information about the consumption and energy costs of different areas of your facility.


Customizable and real-time reports, analyzing energy data allowing using data from platform and format type, obtain list and ratios reports, export to PDF and more.

Home Automation

Control everything at your fingertips

Control your smart home devices including lights, curtains, entertainment system, air conditioner, heater and security system at the tap of your smartphone.

Run personalized schedules

Set predefined commands for devices to perform specific actions at the particular time – be it having coffee ready when you wake up or turn off everything when you leave home.

Lock & Unlock Door

IoT smart home allows locking or unlocking of doors with a single touch on phone. Users can know who is waiting outside the door through CCTV camera and then unlock the door.

Smart Lighting

Control television channels and music systems such that they play your preferred channel or favorite music upon receiving the command from the user.

Smart Entertainment

Control television channels and music systems such that they play your preferred channel or favorite music upon receiving the command from the user.

Temperature Control

Set the most conducive environment by setting the temperature of home through an Alexa Voice Interface or through a simple finger tap on your mobile phone.

Home Surveillance

Smart home surveillance helps users in keeping a check in and around their homes in real time. This helps in detecting unusual activates and preventing intruders from entering the house.

Entertainment Automation

Home Entertainment System

We provide smart home entertainment solutions to enjoy movies, sports & TV shows. Our home entertainment solutions provide option to schedule programs and get notifications.

Music Automation

Switch between music tracks with ease. You can also listen to your favorite playlist based on present mood.


Automation solutions to set-up mini theatre at home to enjoy movies or give professional office presentation.

IoT Home Automation Solutions

IoT (Internet of Things) home automation to store, analyze and process streaming data from devices and apps using IoT cloud-based services.

Infrastructure Automation

Smart Parking

Smart parking solutions to locate parking spaces and eliminate the need to search parking spots in the city. This would help reduce the problem of traffic congestion in metro cities across the world.

Monitoring Traffic

With sensors it will be easy to monitor the bike or car traffic in real time, which provides valuable data on improving bike routes in the city and helping regarding public safety and traffic.

Street Light Automation

Street Light Automation eliminates the requirement of human interference to manage lights remotely based on several factors such as time of the day, visibility or traffic.

Building Automation

Building automation equipped with range extender for covering large area along with sensor, lights, fans and HVAC automated system to check human occupancy via Artificial Intelligence.

Connected Transportation

Transforming the transportation industry from vehicle design and manufacturing to logistics, insurance and retail sales.

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