Cloud Migration Services to accelerate your business transformation

Migrate your data and applications to the cloud in a secure, efficient and disruption-free way, led by our certified cloud experts is Cloud Migration.

Why Townary is the right partner
for cloud data migration

Cloud migration is a completed process with no one-size-fits-all approach. Our cloud migration services include evaluating business specific use cases and helping organizations to migrate their complex and business-critical applications and data to the cloud with proven methodologies.

We offer cloud migration consulting to help organizations make the right decisions through the entire digital transformation journey which includes conducting cloud readiness assessment and developing a fool-proof migration strategy, roadmap and workflow model to ensure migration takes place in a disruption-free environment.

Robust and business focused cloud transformation capabilities

Choose the optimal platform for legacy application migration to cloud

Minimize costs with cloud optimization best practices

Full engineering support to replatform and re-architect applications

Transparent, collaborative, communicative team from day-one

Free up your IT team and let our engineers handle complex tasks like AWS cloud migration

Cloud readiness assessment framework

Get answers to all your questions with a comprehensive analysis of your IT infrastructure and business processes and build a foolproof cloud migration strategy. Our experts provide you with cloud migration consulting to assist you with optimal cloud’s migration to achieve real cost benefits, scalability and agility.

Infrastructure assessment




Legacy hardware

Data Collection

Operating environment

Assessment tools and analysis

IT infra discovery tools

Physical (power/space/cooling)

Hypervisor tools

Storage mgmt tools

Network mgmt tools

Automation tools

Assessment tools and analysis



Best practices

Service catalog

Secure multi-tenant

Provisioning & automation

Cost and benefit assessment



IT process & management

Current pain points

Manual procedures


Security and risk assessment


Identity & access

User & dept categorization

DR process

Compliance firewall & IPS

Endpoint security


Let's develop a top-notch cloud app together!

How the right cloud migration strategy benefits business

Accelerated deployment

Efficient monitoring

Increased security

Enhanced key metrics logging

Reduced operational costs

Efficient IT infrastructure management

Scale resources on demand

Reduction in unplanned downtime

Our approach

Migrating workloads to the cloud can be a daunting task, but with a strategic roadmap in place, organizations can successfully migrate applications and data to the cloud while minimizing risk. Our cloud’s migration services focus on leveraging the best practices to support you through all the phases of cloud’s migration.

Cloud migration strategy and roadmap

We understand your organization’s cloud readiness, and the availability of applications that fit in the cloud. We take interviews of key stakeholders to understand the business objectives and create a roadmap so that your business can realize the potential benefits of cloud data migration.

Infrastructure audit

Infrastructure audit is one of the most important exercises to prepare you for cloud’s migration.

We assess the configuration and capabilities of your existing infrastructure in terms of automation, scalability, security, disaster recovery, automation, etc. We also assess applications and workloads for cloud readiness.

Cloud architecture design

We create a supporting cloud architecture based on the information gathered from early assessment. Our engineers help you choose the service model and embrace DevOps capabilities to design a framework that meets requirements for your applications, data, servers, networks, and storage.


We automate certain repeatable, time-intensive tasks and free up your IT and operations teams. Our cloud’s migration services help you accelerate a migration process with a reliable, automated approach so that you can move and manage large volumes of data, services, and workflows to the cloud without business disruption.

Deployment and testing

Cloud’s migration is not complete until it is tested thoroughly to ensure that everything is deployed as expected. We not only architect and migrate but also validate workloads in your infrastructure to ensure that data and application migration process has proved successful and you gain real business value.

How Townary can accelerate
cloud adoption

Infrastructure Migration

We help you assess and reconfigure your infrastructure to take your digital transformation forward and complete the migration.

Platform Migration

Whether it is reducing costs or gaining additional functionality, we help you move to a new platform while minimizing the risk and protect data.

Data Migration

Ensure that your data is securely transferred and deployed to the new cloud environment with minimal downtime with our data migration services.

Application Migration

Migrate your legacy applications to the cloud by refactoring and making applications cloud-ready for a smooth migration.

Let's develop a top-notch cloud app together!

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